Paul Lamoreaux has voluntarily been playing liturgical music at Masses for more than 50 years, in California, Arizona and, for half a century, at Holy Family Parish in Decatur.
Paul began playing the guitar when he was just 15. “Back in those days, we use to have what was called ‘Battle of the Bands.’ We’d go to South Haven and then several bands would play.”
After high school, Paul worked for Ford Motor Company as a drafter until he decided to pursue a degree in engineering. While in college, Paul received his final draft notice. “I enlisted in the Marine Corps and spent four years there.”
Paul’s time in military service is when he began learning and playing liturgical music for Mass: “I decided to [get involved in liturgical music] because it gave me extra time on Sunday. In basics you don’t get time to yourself. But it gave me an extra hour to prepare for Masses.”
In recent years, he has been able to dedicate the time with other longterm volunteers at Holy Family Parish. “Currently it is just our group of three or four musicians and voices. We’ve got, pushing 100 years of music going on here.” Paul plays with a pianist of 30 years, Audrey Carlson, a guitarist of 20 years, Jeff Kosobucki, a bass player, Phil Hillhouse, and a drummer, Darek Taylor.
Paul finds that his years of preparing music for Mass have allowed him to dive deeper into the readings for each Mass: “I’m more attuned to what the readings are during the Mass because I am researching in advance to select music.”
Paul studies the Mass readings ahead of time to find music that compliments the word of God: “Music is there to enhance the Mass.” Paul admits that there is often misconception regarding liturgical music: “[The music] is not to be a show for the Mass. The reason the songs are sung is to reinforce what the readings were giving us that day.”
Paul has been retired for four years now. Upon retirement, he began a lawn mowing business to keep busy. And in the winter? He paints and builds frames for his paintings. Playing music for our Lord is also in Paul’s retirement plan: “It’s been a joy. I’ve enjoyed serving my Lord in this way over the years and will continue to do so as long as I can.”