Catholic Biblical School of Michigan begins new program this fall
Enrollment deadline September 4
Have you ever wanted to study the Bible and to understand better the sacred texts from a Catholic perspective? Then the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan may be for you.
The comprehensive four-year program is designed for participants to study the books of the Bible in a weekly setting with other students. The school will be hosted by SS. John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor.
The first CBSM cohort in the diocese concluded earlier this year with more than 30 graduates. The program, however, is state-wide and has included more than 1200 participants.
Deacon Kurt Lucas, theology teacher at Hackett Catholic Prep, will be leading the four-year program with weekly lectures in addition to large group discussion, small group break-outs and homework assignments.
Deacon Lucas notes that the School’s unique approach combines the best of modern scholarship, a historical and Jewish perspective on ancient times, and a Catholic perspective.
“It’s a great opportunity to dig in to how the Church has been informed by the sacred texts,” he adds. Sean Nolan, instructor and West Michigan Regional Coordinator of Catholic Biblical School of Michigan (CBSM), echoes Deacon Lucas.
He explains, “CBSM has set out to help Catholics understand the Biblical roots of the faith. Over the course of four years participants will read through the entire Bible and allow the Word of God to transform their lives.”
Matt and Linda Derby, SS. John and Bernard parishioners, both concluded the four-year course earlier this year.
Matt describes how the course deepened his understanding.
“You will never come close to understanding Jesus or the New Testament without reading and meditating on the Old Testament,” he explained. “Some people say that the God of the Old Testament seems harsher than the God of the New Testament. You realize this is not true when you journey with Israel in the Old Testament, as that chosen people completely breach at least five covenants extended by God, yet he never abandons them.”
Linda points to the excellent instructors as a key advantage to the program.
“The teachers in the CBSM are so good at making the scriptures come alive and helping students come to a greater understanding of scripture. They help us to apply scripture to our lives and how we have a responsibility to share the love of God with others.”
While this is a four-year journey through the Bible, participants are invited to make commitments only one year at a time. Each year walks through different aspects of the Bible. Year one walks through the historical books of the Old Testament, seeking to understand the story of the people of God prior to the coming of Jesus. Year two moves on to study the synoptic Gospels and the letters of Paul, using Paul’s teachings to see why we needed a messiah. Year three moves back to the Old Testament to learn about the prophets and what they taught. Lastly, the fourth year, examines the wisdom literature from the Old and New Testaments.
CBSM will begin this fall on Thu., Sept. 24 at 7 p.m., continuing each week at the same time in person at SS. John & Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor. Each year of the course runs from mid-September to mid-May, with appropriate breaks. There is a tuition component to the class, but all scholarship requests are granted by the School. Register by Sept. 4, 2020. For more information: visit or call 586-438-3085.