Have you ever found yourself longing for the community and support of life in a religious order but know life as a priest, sister or brother is not what you are called to?
Each year, Caring Network, a program of Catholic Charities Diocese of Kalamazoo (CCDOK), provides services for more than 350 pregnant and parenting women and families with needs ranging from parenting classes to clothing, diapers and baby equipment.
IT’S A LONG-AWAITED WARM DAY and Jesús Hernández, like many twenty-somethings, is hanging out with his friends. On this particular Sunday afternoon, Jesús, his brother Oscar and a friend, Alex, are commiserating about Michigan State University’s loss in the Final Four while they swap light-hearted quips about a host of things from girlfriends to wardrobe choices. They’re soon joined by another person who they greet with big smiles.
After three years of planning and participation in the fifth National Encuentro, new priorities and initiatives are being planned for the Hispanic Catholic community within the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
Associates, Congregation of St. Joseph MEET AT HOMES THROUGHOUT THE DIOCESE Daily life: Always moving toward profound love of God and neighborwithout distinction In a nutshell: “In response to God’s great love and mutual support, we aredeeply engaged in living the Congregation of St. Joseph’s mission of unityand inclusive love of God and the dear neighbor without distinction.” Contact: Leah Hinman — [email protected] Mary Rita Sayers, CSJ — [email protected]
As we reflect on our lives, many of us can see a point in time or event that might be described as a watershed moment, a moment that transformed us. Speaking for myself, and I’m sure all my brother priests and deacons, that moment for us is the day of our ordination when, through the sacrament of holy orders, we become a priest of Jesus Christ or a deacon of the Church. For those of you who are parents, that moment might be the birth of your first child. Others may see it in the beginning of a new profession or career. Those moments are ones that are forever life-changing.
Al reflexionar sobre nuestras vidas, muchos de nosotros podemos ver un momento específico o un evento que podría describirse como decisivo y transformador. Hablando por mí mismo, y estoy seguro de que para todos mis hermanos sacerdotes y diáconos, ese momento es el día de nuestra ordenación cuando, a través del sacramento de las órdenes santas, nos convertimos en sacerdotes de Jesucristo o diáconos de la Iglesia. Para aquellos de ustedes que son padres, ese momento podría ser el nacimiento de su primer hijo. Otros pueden verlo al comienzo de una nueva profesión o carrera. Esos momentos son los que siempre cambian la vida.
With the school year finished and family vacations dominating the schedule, it can be easy to let your faith commitments take a back seat to summer fun. However, with a little planning, you can keep your summer both faith-focused and fun-filled. Here are some ideas and resources.
Just as the earth transforms with each season of spring, summer, fall and winter, so too does a couple’s marriage relationship experience its own seasons. We begin married life with excitement and expectation for what’s to come. As newlyweds, our hearts are similar to spring buds as we form a new life together. Summer months are the fun-filled activity era, laying the ground work ahead as we move into fall and winter, with its own sets of challenges.
I LOVE A GOOD ROAD TRIP. It all began from the time I was growing up and my folks, with six children in tow, made cross-country treks to visit extended family — my paternal grandmother in New Mexico and my mother’s aunts and uncles in Massachusetts. It was always an adventure.
Después de tres años de planificación y participación en el V Encuentro Nacional, se están planificando nuevas prioridades e iniciativas para la comunidad católica hispana dentro de la Diócesis de Kalamazoo.